Standardize emission measurements and reduction targets

First requirement is to standardize emission measurements and reduction targets:

  1. how to measure actual emissions
  2. how corporations’ reduction targets are defined
  3. how to disseminate these consistently and publicly.

These demand side standardization problems are being addressed by three main organizations:

  1. Standardise on how emissions are measured – Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG).  To ensure worldwide consistency and comparability this is done by Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) initiative, a global standard for measuring, accounting, and reporting emissions for companies, value chains, and products. The protocol also includes sector-specific guidance to address industry specific challenges. In order to facilitate its use, GHG provides ready-made calculators and data resources, as well as practical training on how to use them.
  2. Standardise how reduction targets are defined – Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) defines standards for setting true science-based targets and tools for computing them. They are distributed in the form of best practices, guidance notes, and detailed calculators. SBTi also offers a service of an independent review, assessment, and validation for those companies desiring to signal their adherence to science base targets.
  3. Standardise how these emission measures and reduction targets are publicly and collectively communicated – Climate Disclosure Project (CDP). Climate Disclosure Project (CDP) is a digital platform designed to disseminate all the data in standardized, consistent, and comparable form. CDP also collects data on detailed questionnaires, which are then scored and benchmarked.

Once the real emissions and achievable reductions are cleanly defined, the residual can then be effectively compensated. For this offsetting to be of any worth, it must occur using real, high-quality carbon credits that truly reduce the carbon as claimed.